ethics, the integrity of relationships with customers and suppliers and relationships with other stakeholders; • selecting the Company’s CEO and Chairman of the Board; and • selecting the Company’s Lead Independent Director (to be selected by only the independent directors), if applicable. IV. SIZE OF BOARD, DIRECTOR QUALIFICATIONS AND SELECTION PROCESS Size of Board The Board is responsible for determining the number of directors on the Board based upon the nature and scope of the Company’s operations and the need for diversity of Board views. The Board has currently determined this range to be between 8 and 14 directors and will periodically review the appropriate size of the Board. Selection Process The Company’s stockholders elect directors each year at the annual stockholder meeting. Based on the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee’s recommendation, the Board will select nominees and recommend them for election by stockholders and fill any vacancies that may arise between annual stockholder meetings. Directors added to the Board to fill vacancies are expected to be recommended for election at the next annual stockholder meeting. As part of its selection process, the Board may consider recommendations from other sources of director candidates with a mix of background and experience who will enhance the quality of the Board, serve stockholders’ long-term interests and contribute to the Company’s overall corporate goals. The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee shall screen candidates and recommend qualified and appropriate nominees to the Board. Stockholders may also propose nominees for consideration by the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee or submit nominees for inclusion in the Company’s proxy materials in accordance with the Company’s Bylaws by submitting the name(s) and supporting information (including any information required to be submitted in connection with the nomination under the Company’s Bylaws) to: Corporate Secretary, Applied Materials, Inc., 3225 Oakmead Village Drive, M/S 1268, P.O. Box 58039, Santa Clara, CA 95052. Director Qualifications In evaluating the suitability of individual candidates for Board membership, the Board and the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee will assess the independence, character and acumen of candidates and will endeavor to collectively establish a mix of background and experience in a number of areas of core competency of the Board, including: business judgment; management; accounting and finance; knowledge of the industries (including the technologies and markets) in which the Company operates; manufacturing and service; leadership; strategic vision; international markets; marketing; crisis / risk management; research and development; government; and other areas relevant to the Company’s business. Directors should possess the Corporate Governance Guidelines 3.11.2022 2

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