X. BOARD MEETINGS AND AGENDA Board meetings are scheduled in advance typically every quarter for a full day. Special meetings may be called as necessary. The meetings are usually held at the Company’s headquarters in Santa Clara, California, but occasionally may be held at another facility in the U.S. or abroad. Information and data that is important to the Board’s understanding of business to be discussed at a meeting should be distributed in writing or electronically to the Board before the Board meets. As a general rule, materials on specific subjects should be sent to Board members in advance so that Board meeting time may be focused on discussion and analysis rather than exchange of information. Sensitive subject matters may be discussed at the meeting without written materials being distributed in advance or at the meeting. The Board is responsible for its agenda. The Chairman or Lead Independent Director, as applicable, with input from senior members of management, establishes the agenda for each Board meeting. Directors are urged to make suggestions for agenda items, or additional pre- meeting materials, to the Chairman or Lead Independent Director at any time. The Chairman or Lead Independent Director, as appropriate, determines the nature and extent of information that should be provided regularly to the directors before each scheduled Board meeting. It is the policy of the Board to review major business operations of the Company on a periodic basis and to review long-term strategic plans and annual operating plans. The Board encourages management to schedule managers to present material at Board meetings who: (a) can provide additional insight into the topics being discussed because of personal involvement in these areas; and/or (b) management believes have future potential in the Company and should be given exposure to the Board. The Board welcomes the regular attendance at each Board meeting of non-Board members who are in responsible management positions of the Company. In addition to attending Board meetings, each Board member is strongly encouraged to attend the Company’s Annual Meeting of Stockholders. XI. ETHICS AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The Board is committed to upholding the highest legal and ethical conduct in fulfilling its responsibilities. The Board expects Applied’s directors, officers and all other members of its workforce to act ethically at all times and to certify annually their commitment to the policies and requirements set forth in Applied’s Standards of Business Conduct. The Board, with the assistance of the Audit Committee, oversees the Company’s Ethics Program, which presently includes the Company’s Standards of Business Conduct, an Ethics and Compliance organization responsible for receiving and investigating complaints and a 24-hour global toll-free hotline. If a director becomes involved in activities or interests that conflict or appear to conflict with the interests of the Company and these activities result in an actual or potential conflict of interest, the director is required to disclose such conflict promptly to the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee. The Board will determine an appropriate resolution on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the recommendation of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee. All directors will recuse themselves from any discussion or decision affecting their personal, business or professional interests. The Board will resolve any conflict of Corporate Governance Guidelines 3.11.2022 8

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