TABLE OF MOST VALUED RESPONSIBILITY WORLD CLASS CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PARTNER WINNING TEAM & INTEGRITY PERFORMANCE RESOURCES Back Next Last Page 5 Expectations of our leaders Expectations of each other Expectations of our Everyone at Applied is responsible for Applied relies on each of us to conduct business partners adhering to our Standards of Business ourselves with the utmost integrity and We expect our business partners to adhere Conduct. Our directors and officers, as professionalism in our interactions with each to our Standards of Business Conduct as well as other executives and members of other, with our business partners, and when well. We seek out partners who share our management, have a special responsibility to representing Applied. values and high standards for integrity and lead by example and model our core values professionalism. When providing goods and day-in and day-out. services or acting on our behalf, all partners are required to understand and comply with Leaders’ responsibilities: Our responsibilities: the Applied Materials Standards of Business ■ Lead by example. Set the tone for ■ Be accountable. Read, appreciate and Conduct for Business Partners. integrity within your team, not just through comply with the policies and procedures words, but through your daily actions. that apply to your roles and functions. ■ ■ Communicate expectations. Talk to Speak up. Ask questions and seek help your team about making ethical decisions, when we need it. Raise concerns if we see acting with integrity, and the importance of behavior inconsistent with our values, understanding the policies that apply standards, and policies. to them. ■ Cooperate and protect. If asked to ■ Be clear in your messages. Set participate in a company investigation, we expectations that are clear and consistent all must cooperate. Be open and truthful, with our values. Doing what is right is an protect confidentiality, and preserve expectation. company records if asked to do so. ■ Create a safe and respectful ■ Exercise oversight. When managing our environment. Take steps to make sure business partner relationships, make sure your team is comfortable raising concerns they are aware of our values, policies, and and feels heard when they do. expectations.

Standards of Business Conduct - Page 5 Standards of Business Conduct Page 4 Page 6