TABLE OF MOST VALUED RESPONSIBILITY WORLD CLASS CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PARTNER WINNING TEAM & INTEGRITY PERFORMANCE RESOURCES Back Next Last Page 6 What is the Ethics Helpline? It takes courage to speak up when something is not right. We understand We ask questions and We speak up, even when We do not tolerate that employees and business partners raise concerns it’s hard retaliation might be uncomfortable and anxious. That’s why we have established the If we witness or are asked to engage in If one of us is asked to engage in, or witness Applied prohibits any retaliation against Ethics Helpline. conduct that is not consistent with Applied’s others engaging in, conduct that is not anyone for asking questions or reporting The Ethics Helpline is available 24 hours values or policies, we are expected to speak consistent with Applied’s values or policies, we issues in good faith. We should feel free to ask a day, 7 days a week and is staffed up and seek guidance, and will be supported are expected to speak up and seek guidance, a question, make a report, or participate in by professionals who speak 11 when doing so. and can expect to be supported in doing so. any investigation without fear. different languages. It is managed by There are many resources available to assist While it is not always easy to come forward If you feel you, or someone else, has been an independent service provider that you with questions or concerns. with concerns, especially when we feel retaliated against, you should immediately provides confidential and anonymous ■ Your manager should be available to listen uncertain whether something is a violation, it contact your manager, Global Ethics & reporting services to companies around and address your concerns. is important to do so. Compliance or another member of the Legal the world. If you use the Ethics Helpline, Applied takes all reports seriously and treats & Compliance Organization, Global Employee the independent service provider ■ Relations, Human Resources, or Global will send a report to Global Ethics & You can always reach out directly to Global them with sensitivity and discretion. Ethics & Compliance or another member of Internal Audit. Compliance. the Legal & Compliance Organization. Anyone who retaliates against those who In certain countries, anonymous ■ speak up in good faith will be disciplined, up reporting is not available due to You can also reach out to Global Employee applicable laws. You can still contact Relations, Human Resources or Global to and including termination. Internal Audit. Global Ethics & Compliance at [email protected] or another member of the Legal & Contact Us Compliance Organization, Global [email protected] Employee Relations, Human Resources or Global Internal Audit.

Standards of Business Conduct - Page 6 Standards of Business Conduct Page 5 Page 7